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Let‘s have a Simple but Deep Connection

Request your Destination Wedding Brochure

I feel honored and blessed to have the opportunity to cover a special day in your life, to meet your family and friends for your wedding.

Let’s create together the memory for tomorrow and beyond!



Ciao Paolo, how are you today? my name is: (required)

Here is our phone number (including country code): (required)

So we can chat. My Mobile can be used to send an email reply text to is just in case it goes to Spam, I will confirm I have replied by text using WhatsApp

Here is may email address: (required)

The service we are looking for is: (required)

We have various prices depending on the number of guests attending your ceremony and if your wedding is taking place in week day or during the weekend.

Our Wedding / Elopement / Event Date is: (required)

Or maybe you are flexible on your event date?

The Location we chosen is + City and Country: (required)

I can also suggest some ideas for our Event if you need?

We have heard of you from: (required)

We would like to include:

I offer a full day coverage but various options, here are some ideas on what I can offer

Here are our questions regarding our Wedding or Event we would like you to answer in the email :

In a few words, we are, and we envision our Wedding to be :

*See privacy here

Your message has been sent, thank you!

Just fill out this form and I'll get back to you within 24 hours on normal business days, or just email me at using direct connection. You can also contact me on Instagram @paolosalvadori_photographer or send me a message on WhatsApp




You can also join me on your favorite social media sites, such as Facebook or Instagram. I always respond to your emails.

If you haven’t received an email in 24 hours, please check your spam folder!


Thank You


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